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ID | AiGS | Date | 2017-06-13 16:46:36 |
Title | Sovanly Kim (MA) from Cambodia | ||
Attachment | 170225 Sovanly Kim (AiGS MA graduate) - My Study and Story at ACTS.pdf | ||
³»¿ë My Study and Story at AIGS/ACTS
Sovanly Kim from Cambodia / MA Graduate in 2017 “I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever” (Ps. 86:12). I give thanks to the Lord God almighty for seeing me through my studies. It was God’s hand working through many people that made my graduation possible. I give thanks to my alma mater ACTS for granting me the opportunity to study the word of God. I enrolled for MA in Theology in the Fall of 2013. And as a family, we have experienced the provision God for our up-keep and studies. My husband and I had the privilege of studying at ACTS whereas our son went to a Korean kindergarten. I believe through all this wonderful opportunity, God was preparing us for our future ministry in Cambodia. Though theology was a new major to me compared to my educational background, I really enjoyed taking the course. I am sure that God had a plan for me to pursue studies in theology. Studying at ACTS has blessed me with many international friends as well as given me a conviction for serving God full time. I also had a wonderful privilege of sitting under very humble and dedicated professors. Humility was the first impression I got from my professors. They were not only teachers of the word of God, but they are also doers of the same. What a privilege to learn under such unique men and women of God. On the other hand, being a mother of a six-year old son, a wife, a student and subordinate to my husband’s church ministry, I can say, it was God who has enabled me to overcome all challenges I encountered in the way of my studies. I cried out to the LORD almost every day during my course work because of the hardships we encountered e.g. study time management, taking care of my son (sometimes he fell sick right before or in the middle of exams), financial difficulties etc. I confess that some of these hardships had a negative impact on our studies – we could not get good grades. There were times when I even contemplated quitting studies but the grace of God kept us going. During such times, my husband was a source of encouragement to me, he always uttered these words, “You can do it because the Lord brought all of us here with the purpose, so never give up.” Actually hardships and sufferings drew us closer to each other and to God. Hence my family experienced the miraculous hand of God. Indeed if God calls you to do something, his grace will see you through. Finally, I would like to thank ACTS’s family and all the people who invested their prayers and physical support in my family so that I was able to finish my studies. May God richly bless each and every one of them for their sacrificial contributions. Lastly, I can echo the words of Jesus to his heavenly Father, “I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do” (John 17:4). |
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