Welcome to ACTS



No. Title ID File Date Hit
Notice AIGS Forms are uploaded 2024-01-15 5279
Notice Bile Exam Portion (2023-2025) ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå 2023-01-06 9416
53 Bible Exam – Fall 2014 Registrar 2014-07-18 1425
52 Graduation Requirements Registrar 2014-07-18 1312
51 Online Registration for Intensive Course Registrar 2014-07-16 1249
50 Summer Intensive Course Notification Registrar ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå 2014-07-09 1377
49 Thesis Printing Permit form Submission' Due Dates Registrar 2014-07-04 1334
48 Grade Adjudication Form Registrar ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå 2014-07-04 1457
47 Forms (16 Hours service scholarship, Confirmatio... Registrar ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå ÆÄÀÏ´Ù¿î·Îµå 2014-07-01 1379
46 AIGS office Timings for Summer Vocation - 2014 Registrar 2014-06-27 1339
45 AIGS Office will be closed Registrar 2014-06-27 1398
44 Grades for Spring Sem-2014 Releases from 7th - 1... Registrar 2014-06-25 1394

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